Wednesday 4 January 2012

A Life Program rather than a Life-style activity

It's good to come into Yoga practice due the trends set by celebrities, big names in the corporate world, politicians, etc. If your practice allows you to begin understanding yourself more intimately, it will be good to gradually apply the principles taught from the poses, breathing techniques, etc, into our daily life - turning Yoga practices into daily living experiences, becoming your unique Life Program, and no more one of another consumable activity. If we have the daily conditions to practise the poses, it will be a bonus, otherwise we can translate the pointers instructed from the teacher during a class into our daily postural habits. Ultimately, what Yoga likes to educate us iswhat we should do, and not what we cannot do, which created alot of misperceptions that if one goes too "deep",one disaassociates from one's life. That is one of the many ways to engage in Yoga practice without stepping onto the mat or a studio. Are we ready to live Yogic-ally?

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